What am I doing? Nuthinnnn…What am I doing nuthin’ with? Welllll…

Wool. Lots and lots of wool. That’s what I’m doing nuthin’ with. And I’ve gotten a bit brave and added things to the online shop here, too. Now that I’m a bit more comfortable using this system I can keep adding inventory as I finish projects. Which will make room for more projects.( You see how this loops in on itself. Yarny things forever, wool without end!) I just ended up buying more wool to spin up, since (gasp) I’ve been emptying bins while spinning more yarns. Cant have that, can we?

Also, I’ve been doing a lot of creative stuff lately. Not that long ago, I did a spinning demo for my workplace, which I enjoyed immensely. I managed to get all the way through Inktober, something I’m very proud of. I repainted a dresser as an anniversary gift to my husband. And today I’m at the end of a very nicely long staycation where I did a variety of creative things.

But now I think I could use a giant nap…In fact, I definitely do…