
This week has a lot of anniversaries. Heartbreaking ones, good ones, strange ones. We’ve got a candle burning at my house today for September 11. And it’s also the first anniversary of my leaving my job at the museum and expanding my humble little business. i have to say, it’s been astounding how kind and supportive people have been about my work.  And I’m so happy to have gotten a chance to make a lot of it, as well as experimenting with lots of skills that were in deep storage all this time…things like beadwork, and sculpting, and combining it with embroidery and other fiber arts…

I have some really fun ideas for Halloween, because of course I do. I have been working on offering a couple of patterns in a pretty little kit for sale, in a fun little box. It’s humble, because it’s very much a new thing for me, and I’m excited to see how it all goes.  And I have a few larger pieces I’m planning on making, and there’s yarn to spin, and things to knit up. How would I have gotten all this done if I still had my day job? The one thing I’ve learned in spades from this experience is that when I’ve time, I’m a complete menace to my stash of art supplies. I’m just glad you’ve all come with me for this increasingly fun and weird journey!!

3 Replies to “Anniversary…”

  1. I have watched with great admiration as you took your part time business to full time. It took a lot of guts to do what you did. And to do it so well!

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