
As time moves merrily forward, I keep finding new and exciting ways to make the world around me more interesting. Ways like more odd embroidery!

(Did I mention Nightshade is really, really fun to embroider? Because it is!)

Also, I illustrated a smallish, charming book for the excellent writer, Tansy Undercrypt!

“The Utmost Propriety” can be ordered online at! Toss a coin to your inker! Oh valley of plentyyyyy…

But mostly I’ve been slowly, every so slowly switching products from my Etsy shop to here, and thinking of new yarns to make for spring. I won’t lie, this winter has been tough for being creative. I’m hoping this spring will be better. But that said, I’m looking forward to some new things to try, and I’ll share them with you all. And I’m grateful for your kind attention and support,..