Copper Cliffs and Clouds handspun Worsted yarn, with locks, copper sparkle, silk and alpaca in Coopworth, 83 yards


1 in stock


This is a delightfully luscious yarn, a sister to the other Copper Cliffs and Clouds yarns in the shop, but worsted weight instead of the chunkier Aran weights of the others. (8-9 wpi, size 7-8 needles.) At 83 yards, there’s enough for a hat, mitts, or a gaiter.  There’s Coopworth wool, silk, alpaca, and here and there bits of copper sparkle and white Shetland locks for cloudy pops in all that oatmeal.  A delightful accompaniment to other neutral colors, and luscious on it’s own!

Additional information

Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 2 in