The post-Halloween doldrums…

Ah, Halloween…it was lovely, everything I hoped for, and now it’s just a happy memory.

But I did get a fun photo of Shamu the Bunny in a jaunty Steampunk hat…

Shamu  in a jaunty hat
Shamu is a dapper little fellow when I put hats on his tiny, rabbity head…

And now it’s the season where everybody realizes they’ve lost their mitts or something’s eaten their scarf and they come running to me. I’ve been plotting and planning new mitts and hats to make, and today I’m just playing with colors, to see what seems to click. So far I’ve got a rose and caramel mix of mohair yarns I like a lot, as well as some black and deep purple sari silk for a Gothly scarf. I have to remind myself to play sometimes; it’s good to make custom stuff to order, but it’s even better to come up with something new…


Welcome to the first posting for my new page! I’m so very glad to see you. For years and years I did my blogging on Livejournal, and as time went by I decided I needed something I could personalize a bit more. So with a great deal of help, fine tuning, last-minute tweaking and and my going, “Nono, more like this! No, wait, how about that? Oh dear, tech support guys again?” I am proud to present MsFledermaus’s Completely New and Extremely Fancy Blogging Experience…now with more pictures, videos, and yet still chock-full of Mausi-style spooky-stuff. Hurray!

I should mention, this blog will mostly be about making art-yarns, from start to finish. There will be wool-washing, dyeing, carding, spinning, knitting, and flouncing around covered in yarn…including the occasional tutorial. This may not be your thing. That’s okay.  And there will also be crazily-painted dollhouses, odd tea parties, odder art projects, and other amusing miscellany. Even if these things may not be your cup of tea, I hope to at least be entertaining…

Meanwhile, here’s a cheerful photo of Shamu the Bunny, because rabbits make blogging more fun. It’s a fact…

Shamu the Bunny