The Joys of Puttering…

It’s my personal Saturday today. Which isn’t actually a Saturday. But that’s all right. And because of it, I can relax and get some well-deserved puttering in. I carded up some wonderful wools, and I intend to spend the afternoon spinning it all up while watching horrible tv or equally horrible movies. And this morning, I plan to goof off with polymer clays and old watch parts a friend donated to my artistic whims. Think of how cool a new drop spindle would be with watchparts embedded in the clay…

Polymer clay and watch parts
You see polymer clays and funky watch parts. I see…potential…*evil cackle*

It’s always such pure joy when I have a few moments away from work and busyness generally to just play with something cool for a while.  I’ll take photos a little later of the fun, but I have to go and have the fun first…